And fuel cell became reel

devised a process less expensive and industrially to produce energy from hydrogen. Roll the stack is unique. 

In 2009, the press does not necessarily have noticed the release of Pragma Industries, announcing a fund raising 400,000 euros to develop a new generation of fuel cells. But in this environment, the information was translated and transmitted. The subject is strategic. Automakers apply. The subject is sharp and innovative. In France, only four players working on the industrial manufacture of fuel cells. 

Pragma Industries is the only player in the fuel cell of the Southwest, located in the area of ​​Bassilour activities in Bidart. "There is also a start-up in Grenoble from the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Areva and Air Liquide," cites Pierre Forté, president and CEO. The process is not new, remember that an aeronautical engineer, born of the military industry. "The fuel cell engines are used to power space shuttles past fifty years. "The head is full of praise for this type of engine operating with hydrogen. "This gas is present in unlimited quantities in the universe, it is non-polluting, and is an excellent energy carrier," says Pierre Forté, brandishing what looks like a big round battery, and contains a quantity of hydrogen whose energy is equivalent to that of fourteen batteries stick.

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