HOW MUCH DID THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY PAY FOR JAGUAR? That depends on your degree of gentleness. In 1989 Ford paid $2.5B for Sir William Lyons faltering brand. If you'd rather Ford be embarrassed, figure it the way The Good Car Guy did the day of Ford's sale of Jaguar to Tata Motors. Click here.
HOW DO YOU MAKE CARS FOR THE MAFIA? This is a difficult one. You're either expecting a lot of The Good Car Guy or you work for an automaker that lacks a dynamic, bad-boy rear-wheel driver. (Yes, I'm talking to you Ford.) I have to admit my inability to delve into the mechanical and electrical makeup of a perfect Mafia car. On the other hand, one of GoodCarBadCar's most popular articles is the Top 5 Cars for Mafia Dons and Yakuza Kumichos. In other words, cars like the Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman and the Chrysler 300 SRT8 cut the mustard.
HOW MUCH ARE PEOPLE PAYING FOR 2007 HONDA CR-Vs? A 1-year old Honda is not a very used car, no matter how used it is. Toyota and Honda have carved out a gigantic niche for themselves in which consumers are commonly willing to pay the full MSRP for a new car while the second-hand customers feel strongly that paying top dollar for a used ToyoHonda will pay off in the long run. The old adage about vehicles losing huge chunks of their value as soon as they're driven off the lot doesn't really apply with the CR-V. With a quick look through AutoTrader in the USA and Canada as well as Kijiji, it's quite clear that American customers will pay from about $20K into the low $20Ks. Yes, that's about where CR-Vs start when new, but few would have been purchased without upgrades. Even with the base Canadian MSRP of a new CR-V being significantly under $30,000, there are plenty of 2007 CR-Vs in Ontario for more than $30,000. The CR-V ranked #2 on GoodCarBadCar's list of the best small SUVs and crossovers.

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